Thursday, March 12, 2009

This was Taylor Penrod and Lauren LeDuc's wedding dinner & reception Feb.27,2009.
Update on our 'doings'; Dave still isn't working. Dave's Dad is still in the hospital, but getting better all the time. I still have my job, at least for the time being. Jessica is still scheduled to graduation from High School on June 12. She's been accepted to BYU, Idaho, to start January 2010. Emilee's the same as always, but TALLER. I think she may get to be as tall as me. Dant and Kaylissa are doing well. Kaylissa is having a baby sometime around the end of October so I'm extemely excited to be a Grandma!! Dave's still a Deacon's Quorum advisor. I'm still the Relief Society Secretary. Our landlord asked yesterday if we wanted to purchase the house we're in on a "short sale". Since Dave isn't working, there's no way for us to qualify for a loan. It may mean that she sells it out from under us and we'll have to move, AGAIN! Dave's sister Carren came down from Oregon and stayed a couple of weekends with us. It was great to have her around! Dave's nephew, Taylor, was married on the 27th of February. I'll attach some pictures from their wedding dinner and reception. That's all that's new for now... keep you posted.